27-Oct-2015 11:17

:: 2015 Around & About Scotland ::
12-Mar-2015 23:03

:: Scotland Walks ::
28-Feb-2015 18:04

:: Senja Island Norway February 2012 and revisited February 2015 - Arctic Odyssey ::
16-Jan-2015 22:48

:: Loch Maree October 2012 - Under construction ::
02-Jan-2015 14:37

:: Castles Buildings & Monuments ::
26-Dec-2014 23:04

:: Its Snow Time ::
16-Dec-2014 20:51

:: My most recent posts ::
13-Oct-2014 21:32

:: Iceland March 2014 ::
05-Oct-2014 21:46

:: On my way to work & lunch time strolls ::
25-May-2014 21:56

:: Bullers O'Buchan - Puffins ::
19-Feb-2014 22:08

:: Something from the weekend ::
26-Jan-2014 22:20

:: Glencoe Area - November 2010 - Plus a revisit in January 2014 ::