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u38/world_images/upload/24960394.aflgflag.gif Find photos and photographers from Afghanistan.
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afghanistan war Galleries Search Results 1 to 10 of 24
Afghanistan, January 2004
Afghanistan, January 2004
by anthony legg
Kabul, Afghanistan
Kabul, Afghanistan
by Noor Khan
Arlington Midwest: the human cost of war
Arlington Midwest: the human cost of war
by Patricia Lay-Dorsey
by Joe Sullivan
The Eyes of Hope
The Eyes of Hope
by Stan
Copiii Razboiului-Afganistan
Copiii Razboiului-Afganistan
by GaleriaFotoStefan
Welcome Home Iraq Veterans Parade
Welcome Home Iraq Veterans Parade
by Victor Frome
Dr. William F. Podlich, Jr. Memorial
Dr. William F. Podlich, Jr. Memorial
by Clayton Esterson
Caitlin Is Sworn In At The U.S. Department of State, September 24, 2010
Caitlin Is Sworn In At The U.S. Department of State, September 24, 2010
by R. Hall
Memorial Day '10, Vancouver, WA, May 31 '10
Memorial Day '10, Vancouver, WA, May 31 '10
by Tony Long

afghanistan war Pictures Search Results 1 to 10 of 75
Afghanistan War Memorial (1979 1989), Tiraspol
Afghanistan War Memorial (1979 1989), Tiraspol
Afghanistan War Memorial (1979 1989), Tiraspol
Soviet Afghanistan War Memorial, Panfilov Park
Soviet Afghanistan War Memorial, Panfilov Park
Poem "Jalalabad", Afghanistan War memorial, Island of Tears, Minsk
The Soviet War in Afghanistan, 1979 1989
Memorial to Ulyanovsk Veterans & Casualties of Afghanistan War
Remembering US Service Members Killed in Iraqi/Afghanistan War
The Island of Tears commemorates Soviet soldiers who died in the Afghanistan War
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