Flowers blue. Plant without underground runners. Leaves usually with a heart shaped base. (Viola canina)
by Rogier van Vugt
| Flowers small (Around one cm), white or yellow rarely faint blue in the upper petals. (Viola arvensis)
by Rogier van Vugt
| Viola
by Douglas Houck
| Anual or short lived perrenial plant. Flowers bicoloured with purple. A plant of arable and disturbed soil (Viola tricolor)
by Rogier van Vugt
| Flower spur blunt or notched at the tip always paler than the petals. (Viola riviniana)
by Rogier van Vugt
Flowers slightly smaller than those of V. tricolor and often with more yellow in the flower. (Viola x contempta)
by Rogier van Vugt
| Flowers slightly bigger than those of V. arvensis and often with some blue on the upper petals. (Viola x contempta)
by Rogier van Vugt
| Flowers fragrant, dark bluish lilac. (sometimes white). Forms colonies by means of thin runners. (Viola odorata)
by Rogier van Vugt
| Foliage relatively yellowish green. leaves around 4 cm. long and 2 cm. broad. (Viola persicifolia var. persicifolia)
by Rogier van Vugt
by Bob Moul