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shah iran Galleries Search Results 1 to 10 of 19
Battle between Shah Esmaeel Safavid and Sheibak Khan of Merv, Uzbekistan in 1511, Esfahan, Iran
Battle between Shah Esmaeel Safavid and Sheibak Khan of Merv, Uzbekistan in 1511, Esfahan, Iran
by Richard Stone
Reception by Shah Tahmasb Safavid for Homayun Mugal King of India in 1550, Esfahan, Iran
Reception by Shah Tahmasb Safavid for Homayun Mugal King of India in 1550, Esfahan, Iran
by Richard Stone
Reception by Shah Abbas II for Nader Mohammed Khan, King of Turkistan in 1646, Esfahan, Iran
Reception by Shah Abbas II for Nader Mohammed Khan, King of Turkistan in 1646, Esfahan, Iran
by Richard Stone
Reception by Shah Abbas I of Vali Mohammed Khan Uzbek, King of Turkistan in 1621, Esfahan, Iran
Reception by Shah Abbas I of Vali Mohammed Khan Uzbek, King of Turkistan in 1621, Esfahan, Iran
by Richard Stone
Karnal Battle between Nader Shah Afshar and Mohammad Shah Gurkani of India, Esfahan, Iran
Karnal Battle between Nader Shah Afshar and Mohammad Shah Gurkani of India, Esfahan, Iran
by Richard Stone
Battle of Chaldiran between Shah Ismail I and the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman in 1514 at Chaldoran, Esfahan, Iran
Battle of Chaldiran between Shah Ismail I and the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman in 1514 at Chaldoran, Esfahan, Iran
by Richard Stone
Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, Esfahan, Iran
Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, Esfahan, Iran
by Richard Stone
Ali Qapu Palace, Esfahan, Iran
Ali Qapu Palace, Esfahan, Iran
by Richard Stone
True classics gallery #1
True classics gallery #1
by Ken Leonard
Vank Cathedral, Esfahan
Vank Cathedral, Esfahan
by Richard Stone

shah iran Pictures Search Results 1 to 10 of 208
birthday of shah d'Iran... 26 oct 2006
Battle between Shah Esmaeel Safavid and Sheibak Khan of Merv, Uzbekistan in 1511, Esfahan, Iran
Battle between Shah Esmaeel Safavid and Sheibak Khan of Merv, Uzbekistan in 1511, Esfahan, Iran
Battle between Shah Esmaeel Safavid and Sheibak Khan of Merv, Uzbekistan in 1511, Esfahan, Iran
Battle between Shah Esmaeel Safavid and Sheibak Khan of Merv, Uzbekistan in 1511, Esfahan, Iran
Battle between Shah Esmaeel Safavid and Sheibak Khan of Merv, Uzbekistan in 1511, Esfahan, Iran
Reception by Shah Tahmasb Safavid for Homayun Mugal King of India in 1550, Esfahan, Iran
Reception by Shah Tahmasb Safavid for Homayun Mugal King of India in 1550, Esfahan, Iran
Reception by Shah Tahmasb Safavid for Homayun Mugal King of India in 1550, Esfahan, Iran
Reception by Shah Tahmasb Safavid for Homayun Mugal King of India in 1550, Esfahan, Iran
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