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michel fortin Galleries Search Results 1 to 10 of 10
Fête Michel Fortin
Fête Michel Fortin
by Francine Héon
PRO RE NATA  30U  462  1988
PRO RE NATA 30U 462 1988
by Nonsuch Photo Galleries
1st Annual CT & NY Rendezvous - Sep 14 & 15 2007
1st Annual CT & NY Rendezvous - Sep 14 & 15 2007
by Nonsuch Photo Galleries
North East Nonsuch Fleets - Coecles Harbor 2010 Cruise & Rendezvous - Aug. 20-22 - 42 crew & 20 boats
North East Nonsuch Fleets - Coecles Harbor 2010 Cruise & Rendezvous - Aug. 20-22 - 42 crew & 20 boats
by Nonsuch Photo Galleries
NORTH EAST - Annual Winter Social . Dec 2 2006
NORTH EAST - Annual Winter Social . Dec 2 2006
by Nonsuch Photo Galleries
NEW LONDON CT - Spring Social & Lunch - Sat. May 3 - 14 crew . . . so far !
NEW LONDON CT - Spring Social & Lunch - Sat. May 3 - 14 crew . . . so far !
by Nonsuch Photo Galleries
2nd Annual Rhode Island Rendezvous - June 13-14 . . .  19 boats !
2nd Annual Rhode Island Rendezvous - June 13-14 . . . 19 boats !
by Nonsuch Photo Galleries
Coecles Harbor 2009 Cruise & Rendezvous - Aug. 21-23 - 22 from 11 boats
Coecles Harbor 2009 Cruise & Rendezvous - Aug. 21-23 - 22 from 11 boats
by Nonsuch Photo Galleries
Vineyard Rendezvous - July 18, 19, & 20 - 17 boats !
Vineyard Rendezvous - July 18, 19, & 20 - 17 boats !
by Nonsuch Photo Galleries
crews ATTENDING (60) & other info . Dec 2 2007
crews ATTENDING (60) & other info . Dec 2 2007
by Nonsuch Photo Galleries

michel fortin Pictures Search Results 1 to 2 of 2
Michel Tremblay et Simon Fortin
fine and fabulous Fortin men, fourth to finish Friday . . .
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