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lungan Galleries Search Results 1 to 3 of 3
Faces of Pa' Lungan, Borneo
Faces of Pa' Lungan, Borneo
by Michael Ng
S*Conspirol Sky Boy/ Billy/Shetland Sheepdog
S*Conspirol Sky Boy/ Billy/Shetland Sheepdog
by Annika T. Cherek´s Ocicat & Oriental shorthair
Pa' Lungan, Bario
Pa' Lungan, Bario
by Michael Ng

lungan Pictures Search Results 1 to 10 of 20
Pa Lungan, last settled village before Bakelalan
We help ourselves to the pineapple grown along the trek to Pa Lungan. A must if you are in Miri
Across the fence into Pa Lungan. A really beautiful village with a cool temperature
In Pa Lungan. We met this man and he bacame our guide to climb G Murud
Dinner at the Pengulu Bilek at Pa Lungan.
Met this Kelabit on arriving in Pa Lungan. He became our guide to G Murud.
A beautiful view of G Murud while trekking to Pa Lungan
Pa Ukat, a village between Bario and Pa Lungan, about 2 hour walk from Bario
Rocks of Pa Lungan
Padi field Pa Lungan
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