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similar to - steer riding - cow riding - calf ride
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calf riding Galleries Search Results 1 to 7 of 7
Gallery Ninety-three: Bull riding, the most dangerous eight seconds in sports -- a photo-essay
Gallery Ninety-three: Bull riding, the "most dangerous eight seconds in sports" -- a photo-essay
by Phil Douglis
Cracker Rodeo Flagler County FL 03/28/2015
Cracker Rodeo Flagler County FL 03/28/2015
by Eli Finkelstein
Montgomery Rodeo
Montgomery Rodeo
by John St John Photography
India: Satpura Hills
India: Satpura Hills
by Robbie
Summer Vacation 2004 - Thursday, July 1, 2004
Summer Vacation 2004 - Thursday, July 1, 2004
by Brenda Bates
Day 5 - April 25th
Day 5 - April 25th
by James
South Africa
South Africa
by oksana_p

calf riding Pictures Search Results 1 to 10 of 92
Young calf
Calf Roping, Cuban Rodeo 1
Calf Roping, Cuban Rodeo 2
Calf Roping, Cuban Rodeo 3
Calf Roping, Cuban Rodeo 4
Calf Roping, Cuban Rodeo 5
Calf Roping, Cuban Rodeo 6
Calf Roping, Cuban Rodeo 7
Calf Roping, Cuban Rodeo 8
Calf Roping, Cuban Rodeo 9
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