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Ray Lander | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Dr. Michael Moseley 25-Dec-2013 20:33
Dear Dr. and Mrs. Lander:

Merry Christmas! It was good to meet both of you yesterday. We had the chance to see your marvelous pictures of so many places in the world we long to visit. Your artistry and personal warmth are of equal measure in making you an exceptional physician, and thank you for sharing. We are excited to have your services for our family's dentistry. We hope you will join us in our prayer for world peace through world unified leadership as the new years comes upon us.


Dr. Michael and Ilesha Moseley
Silviu10-May-2012 08:21
Hello Ray,

It is also your birthday, so I wish you a cheerful Happy Birthday :)!

You photos are great, especially Dreamworld and Dark Rain :).

If you have some time and do want to have a look at some of my shots:

Have a great day though it did not begin yet at full power ;)!
Mark 27-Sep-2011 22:18
I'm going to the big island in April and want to purchase a canon 100 400 mm l series lens would that be a good choice for volcanos and waterfalls...or if you could offer a tip or two. Thanks
nicolas bidaud 18-Nov-2010 22:11
Artist him self 2x2 meters of paints by 15 pices
L v n a 05-Jun-2010 17:16
Ti-a plãcut intotdeauna sa te exprimi prin fotografie !
Felicitãri !

Scrie-mi pe
Guest 01-May-2010 02:09
Dragul meu Ray, "Boston"ul as vrea sa-l vad incontinuu, nu ma mai satur. M-a impresionat cel mai mult poza "Commonwealth Ave" cu buildingurile aliniate strans, unul intr-altul. Nu stiu cum ai putut gasi un astfel de unghi formidabil. Pozele de la Marblehead sunt tot asa, mai aproape de sufletul meu. Dar de fapt este greu sa fac o selectie, sa spun asta imi place, asta nu-mi place...fiindca de fapt imi plac toate. Cred insa ca acele poze care arata locuri pe unde am trecut si eu deja si destul de des, deci cele din Massachusetts, ma lovesc mai tare peste suflet, fiindca pot sa fac o comparatie intre ce vezi tu, si ce stiu in sinea mea ca vad eu cand trec pe acolo. Si senzatia ca cineva ma bate pe umar sa intorc capul si in partea unde nu m-am gandit sa-l intorc, este o emotie foarte placuta, care se adauga frumosului capturat de imagine.

Adriana Neagoe
fernetaLA14-Jul-2009 16:58
Wow, wow, wow! Love your pics Ray, especially Paris & Rome. Just lovely.
Keep up the wonderful work....ferneta.
Nora Schütz Minorovics 18-Jan-2009 16:50
Draga Ray sint Nora ,prietena lui Dana si de-la ea am primit adresa ta.Noi ne cunoastem;ca am petrecut o zi fotogfafiend impreuna
Asa; Fotografiile tale sint de o sensibilite artistica rara , si de o perfectiune tehnica de mare clasa .In deosebi m-a impresionat simtul tau coloristic.
Vo-i urmari cu bucurie noile tale creatii!
Jude 17-Jan-2009 22:57
Ray's work is truly appreciative of the wonders of nature, and captures the moods and subtle nuances. It's as if the viewer were right there witnessing the beauty of the live scene.
judy 03-Jan-2009 14:40
exquisite pix.
Guest 22-Nov-2008 00:06

Breathtaking images ,Dana

do 23-Jul-2008 16:22
well done! impressive indeed!
I' m gonna tell all my friends about it and show them your work!
Guest 13-Jun-2007 14:48
This is stellar work. If I ever see you, I might just ask for your signature.
Guest 21-Mar-2007 21:31
Nice Gallery
Guest 08-Mar-2007 13:47
I'm totally speechless. Good stuff.
André Bessot28-Dec-2006 13:52
I wish you a Happy New Year.
Best regards.
Guest 28-Apr-2006 16:28
hello there!

regarding your visit to greece. the most amazing island which compines rocks, sunset & tourism is santorini [yeah i know famous] , other superb islads you can visit for photography is : astipalaia , milos for aegean. you can search your self to ionian islands like corfu & lefkada.

in mainlands you can go to meteora [lot of rocks] but all theese depends in which photography you whould like to do

Razvan Toma05-Apr-2006 20:55
Ray,thanks for stopping by and checking out my photos!You do a great work as well my friend and yes I used to love my 10D like you do.Keep up the good work!

Monica Ioani 24-Oct-2005 08:38

Draga Puiu,

Este apelativul care mi se pare ca l-am folosit cel mai des la scoala, asa ca te voi numi astfel! Sunt tare frumoase pozele si se vede ca te-ai bucurat mult, la fel ca si noi de altfel, de revederea colegilor! Cred ca trebuia sa prelungim intalnirea si a doua zi, pentru ca totul a trecut destul de iute! Cu unii de abia am apucat sa schimbam o vorba si sa-i recunoastem!
A propos de recunoscut! Sunt foarte simpatice pozele din copilarie-adolescenta!Acum, ca suntem inca sub impresia momentului, vad ca nu incetam sa comunicam! Sa speram ca datorita tie si pozelor vom pastra legatura mai serios!
Si in sfarsit, ultimul compliment, aratai foarte tanar! Ce sa fie oare de vina? Ca nu esti insurat, ca esti pasionat de fotografie sau ca traiesti de mult intr-o alta tara?
Eu cred ca bucuria revederii ti-a dat stralucirea care-ti intinerea chipul!

Multumesc pentru fotografii si sa ne scriem in continuare!

Cu mult drag, Monica Ioani (Manu)
Cathy Frankauski 31-May-2005 13:26
Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures. You bring out the beauty in the ordinary.
Fred Parsons06-Mar-2005 07:10
Thanks, Ray, for your nice comments on my work in my galleries. It is sure nice to be able to work with pixels rather than chemicals. I took a color printing course at the New England School of Photography (under the Citgo sign) years ago and what a labor of love that was. Now buy comparison it is so easy. You have some great shots in your galleries and I think you really did the grand canyon justice. So many pictures look alike but you have some different ones. You should sign up for a 6 day trip down the Colorado before they shut them off completely. I did it about 4 years ago at age 66, and it is unreal. Also you have some great shots of the city. I lived in Mass for over 40 years so know it well. Thanks again for your remarks, and visit me at the NH Craftsmen's fair at the Sunapee Ski Area parking lot the first two weekends and all the days inbetween of August. Fred
André Bessot28-Feb-2005 16:24
Thank you very much for sharing so wonderful pictures. I like especially your sense of the light.
André B.
Lorna 31-Dec-2003 16:56
Gee Ray, after reading part of Roberta's note I'm not sure you will understand MY language!!!! I sure could not understand what she said. Anyway, I liked your pictures.
roberta02-Dec-2003 01:16
Hi Ray,

Your galleries look very good!
Thanks for your note on my pbase galleries. I used a tripod for the sunflower shot that you liked taken with the 28-135IS. I try to use a tripod as much as possible. My macro flower shots are almost always done with a tripod. My general workflow in PhotoShop 6.0 is:

1. I check to see if I need to crop the pic and/or use the clone stamp tool to remove anything distracting (power lines etc) I also check for any spots in the sky or background due to dust on the sensor. Yes, I have some dust that shows up at f22. Thought it was my macro lens but then I realized it's in every pic with a high f-stop setting.

I also use the burn and dodge tools if needed.

2. I check to see if the pic needs to be rotated- to make sure the horizon line or roof lines are horizontal. On the extreme wide angle shots I make sure a vertical in the center of the pic is true vertical. I make adjustments by going to
IMAGE > ROTATE > ARBITRARY then I type in the amount of degrees and click either clockwise or counter clockwise. You can type in fractions of degress too.

3. I use AUTO LEVELS but if I don't like the results then I use LEVELS (IMAGE > ADJUST > LEVELS) and use the eyedroppers to set the black point and the white point in the image.

4. For the 10D, I now usually bump up the saturation by 2-7% depending on the pic but I haven't always done this. IMAGE>ADJUST>HUE/SATURATION. My camera is set to +1 for saturation. For the Sigma 15mm, I bump up the blue by almost 30% in Color Balance.

5. In the last few weeks, I've also started to increase the contrast by around 2-7%. IMAGE > ADJUST > BRIGHTNESS/CONTRAST. I usually just do the midtones but you can do the highlights and shadows too if you want to. This is an area that I need to experiment in to see how much effect the highlights and shadows will have.

6. Unsharp Mask... FILTER > SHARPEN > UNSHARP MASK. 100%, Radius 1.0, Threshold 3.0. Sometimes I will run it again depending on the image. Sometimes I selectively sharpen an area using the SHARPEN TOOL in the Tool Palette.

7. I check to see if there are any other areas that need to be burned in or dodged. Check to see if a curves adjustment will improve the image in any way.

8. Make sure the BACKGROUND COLOR on the TOOL PALETTE is black then...IMAGE > CANVAS SIZE... I add .1 to the height and width for the canvas size to create a thin black line around the image. Then I create a new layer...LAYER > DUPLICATE LAYER (as background copy click ok)

9. Make sure the BACKGROUND COLOR on the TOOL PALETTE is WHITE. Click on IMAGE > CANVAS SIZE and add 3" to the height and width then click ok.

10. Click on LAYER > LAYER STYLE > DROP SHADOW. Settings: opacity 50%, angle 140 degrees, distance 10, spread 0, size 7. The reason I use these settings is because when you reduce the image size in the next step to 700x or 800x for pbase, the drop shadow looks good. You can slide the bar for the distance, spread and size to adjust it to what you like.

11. SAVE as either a PhotoShop file (if you want to change anything later) and/or a jpeg file.

12. IMAGE > SIZE...reduce size for web.

13. Run the UNSHARP MASK again but this time I do 100%, radius .2 or .5, threshold 3.0. If it's not sharp enough, run it again. Save as jpeg.

14. After posting to pbase, I make modifications again if there are any problems (yellowish cast, not sharp enough etc) then I upload the new file to replace the first one. I actually do this quite often because when I process them on my laptop, they look different on my desktop.

Hope this helps!
Roberta <><