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pete jackson | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for pete jackson
Name pete jackson (joined 30-Jun-2005) (pbase supporter)
Username petejackson
Personal URL
Location Los Angeles, formerly Co.Down Northern Ireland
Los Angeles, formerly Co.Down Northern Ireland
View Galleries : pete jackson has 34 galleries and 878 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 423466 times.

View Guestbook : 12 messages. Most recent on 15-Aug-2013.

Message from pete jackson
Welcome to my online gallery. The images in these galleries are the result of the last 5 years work, primarily encompassing photos of California and Ireland. The majority of the photos are produced in the digital format. Digital cameras enable me to utilise photography techniques that wouldn't be possible with film, such as Infrared & High Dynamic Range Images, and have complete control over every aspect of producing the final image.

All images are available in print. Contact petejacksonphotography@gmail(dot)com for details and prices.

Feel free to browse all the galleries, and feedback is appreciated.

Thanks to all those who left comments.

Pete Jackson
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