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Isil Duzgun 25-Apr-2011 18:57
My name is Isil Duzgun and I am an architect. I have worked on the CER Modern project when I was with Uygur Architecture in 2001. The architects of the building -my past bosses- Semra and Ozcan Uygur have done a marvelous job designing the project and standing up for their vision to get it built right. I would like to thank and congratulate them for their great work!
On a seperate note, I would also like to thank you Omer Bey for your great photography and thoroughness in describing the spaces with your camera. After looking at your photographs, I feel like I have been to the building I know so well on drawings and renderings.
Isil Duzgun
Nuray Atsan 04-Apr-2011 11:08
Hocam merhaba,

Akdeniz Üniversitesinden yazýyorum. Ýþletme bölümünde öðretim üyesiyim (yrd.doc). Ýskadinav iþ kültürü ile Türk iþ kültürünü karsilastýran bir kitap yazdým yabancý bir hocayla birlikte. Kitabýmýzýn kapagýna istanbul bogaz fotografý koymak istiyoruz. da sizin bir fotonuzu gördük, orijinal boyutunda kullanýmýna izin verip vermeyeceginizi sormak istemistim. Acil cevap verebilirseniz beni cok mutlu edersiniz. Tesekkürlerimle... Nuray Atsan
ömer alptekin BEÞTEPE 16-Jul-2010 21:51
hocam ben de sizin Doðu Akdeniz Üniversitesinden öðrencinizim. resimler çok hoþ,bakýnca sizi hatýrladým hocam bana verdiðiniz mgmt101 kitabýný hala saklýyorum. maalesef ben 1. sýnýftayken siz okulumuzdan ayrýldýnýz tamda sizin öðütlerinize en çok ihtiyaç duyduðumuz zamanda, þimdi zaman geçti ve mezun oldum. keþke e- mail adresinizi bilseydim.Umarým bu yazýyý okuyup cevaplarsýnýz saðlýcakla kalýnýz.
Alev Elci 19-Feb-2009 09:39
Omer Hocam, e-mailinizi ararken resimlerinizle karsýlastým. Muhtesem...Bana yazar mýsýnýz lutfen. Esinize ve size sevgiler, saygýlar.
Alev Elci
Serkan 20-Oct-2008 00:59
Unutamadýðým ender hocalarýmdansýnýz. Özel olarak isminizi google da arayýp tesadüfen bu siteyi buldum. Çok deðerli bir eðitimcisiniz benim gözümde fotograflarýnýz da bir okadar deðerli ve güzel

Serkan Çalýþkan (Doðu Akdeniz Üniversitesi / Ýþletme)
sseheryagiz 01-May-2008 19:51
bise anlamadim sitenizz neyle ilgili ama yinede basarilar

seher yagiz uk.
Bahar Alptekin 06-Nov-2007 14:29
METU graduates around the world are making difference and impact.
That is the proof of success.
I am the graduate of computer engineering at METU in 1990.
Just as Virginia Slims: You've come a long way baby :-)
Bahar Alptekin
Guest 14-Jun-2007 07:40
Your photos have left an impression on me that can't be described by words.
Guest 12-Apr-2007 08:40
Dear Omer,
You have so beautifuly photos in yours portfolio...Excellent my friend...Greetings from Montenegro, old/new country in Europa...I will come back with pleasure...
Guest 08-Mar-2007 13:22
Keep going forward. You have so much potential.
Melisa 01-Mar-2007 11:01
sevgili Hocam,resim galerinize baktm ve bayýldým,özellikle Zirzop'a ve Van bebiþe:)Hepsi çok güzel tebrik ederim
A.Melisa çolakoglu
Golrokh 28-Aug-2006 20:13
Dear Mr.yagiz
as an interested person in nature and photos,i can say that your photos was just great,but let me interfere in this matter that it could be more varoius,when its the turn of cyprus.
Thanks for your interesting website.
Golrokh Mosayebi
Alireza Ajam 27-Aug-2006 19:17
Daei Mr. Yagiz
the photos are great...
Good luck
Alireza Ajam
Fatih H. YAÐIZ 23-May-2006 20:07
galeriniz çok güzel baþrýlar dilerim saygýlarýmla, 17-May-2006 22:22
online directory main
Guest 09-May-2006 11:17
Fotograflariniz cok guzel ellerinize saglik
omer yapis 04-Feb-2006 13:05
cok iyi calismalariniz var basarilarinizin devamini dilerim eger tekrar fethiyeye gelirseniz bir fincan kahvemizi icerseniz memnun oluruz
Guest 25-Jan-2006 15:34
E.Karaboða 20-Nov-2005 21:21
Kýbrýsta iken galerini ziyaret etmeyi atlamýþým. Þimdi nasip oldu. Çok nefis resimler.Kutlarým. Þimdi daha da eklentiler olmuþtur sanýrým. Bu arada þu Alexis hýyarýna cevap yazdýn mý? Yazdýysan bir kopyasýný banada gönder.Sevgiler.
Richard Haas 19-Jul-2005 10:20
could you please contact me . Thanks in advance
Erkan Erdem16-Jun-2005 09:46
Galeriniz gerçekten çok güzel...
Bu arada aþaðýdaki þahsýn sitesine bende bi göz atayým..
Alexis Hadjisoteriou28-Apr-2005 13:03

I believe you left a message in my PBASE gallery ( some time ago but unfortunately I did not read it until today.

I believe you took offense with the caption of the photo of my friend Kufi Birinci talking to a Turkish policeman. I feel your response is a little over-sensitive especially if you had bothered to look at the context in which it was written; it was simply a photographic diary of a fantastic day in the occupied North Cyprus arranged by a very good TURKISH Cypriot friend.

You must learn not to take things seriously and appreciate the humor in the photo; just like Kufi did not get offended I don't see why you needed to pick; just show some restraint just as I am when I see my home town of Famagusta, now occupied by the Turkish army, refered to, in your galleries, as "Gazimagousa".

Take care my friend and one day, with patience and tolerance, God willing, we might be able to live together as one nation, the Cypriot nation.

Good luck with your photography - after all, that is something that we DO have in common!
Gary Hebert15-Feb-2005 00:39
Let me be the first to sign your guestbook. I also have a C8080 and look forward to watching your gallery of your beautiful homeland expand. Landscapes are among my favorite subjects and I am sure you have lots to shoot and share.