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Krzysztof Kuzbik | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 04-Feb-2014 16:39
I will probably never get to see the Holy Land in person. Your exquisite photographs enabled me to travel there through the internet, while I enjoyed some beautiful choral music. Thank you. Very well done.
beatriz Arays Kusbick 21-Apr-2013 21:50
Olá Krysztof Kuzbik
Somos kusbick do Brasil, mas meu bisavo veio da polania e o nome certo é kuzbick, buscamos nossas origens. Nao queremos heranca, mas só informacoes. chegou na polonia quarta-feira dia 17.04.2013. Chama-se Sergio Kusbick seu e-mail é e o meu é sou Bibliotecária tenho 56 anos. Eu moro em Ijuí Rio grande do sul, Brasil e o sergio mora em Foz do Iguacu, Paraná na cidade dele fica as cataratas do iguacu fronteira com paraguai. Minha mae é filha de Letonianos. Seja Bem Vindo Beatriz Arays Kusbick
Solange Santos 25-Mar-2013 15:50
Parabéns pelo belíssimo trabalho.
copiei algumas para enviar no aniversario de meu irmão, que ama Israel.

Obrigada Solange
Alta van der Bergh 19-Feb-2012 15:39
Sir, the photo's of the Holy Land are awesome. No words to describe. I visited Israel in 1993!! You took me through the Holy Land with the photo's. Thank you!!!
Pavla 03-Sep-2010 14:21
Hello Krzystof - pics are amazing! Could I ask you when did you visit Mustang? We would like to go there during the summer but I´m worry about the weather. Thanks Pavla.
Pawel Kazmierczyk06-Sep-2009 18:32
Hello Krzysztof, what a fantastic collection of galleries.... You have a great eye for photography, and a unique sense of style. I have truly enjoyed going through your photos - the range and variety of topics, the originality of viewpoint, and the quality. Well done, keep it up ! Pzdr. Pawel
John 25-Jul-2009 00:07
Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures.
Guest 22-Apr-2009 19:11
Zdjêcia pierwsza klasa, super galeria. pozdrawiam serdecznie.
Guest 29-Jan-2009 11:35
Great Galleries
Mangles Photography30-Nov-2008 13:48
What a beautiful collection of photos great work
sara 19-Nov-2008 05:31
beautiful pictures
Guest 15-Jun-2007 08:29
Very impressive.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 06:53
Great work, your photo galleries are fantastic.
Guest 23-Nov-2006 20:59
Naprawdê jestem pod wra¿eniem twoich zdjêæ.
Donald 13-Jul-2006 03:06
Cool guestbook, interesting information... Keep it UP
Shirley 02-Jul-2006 09:24
Best regards from NY!
Helen 01-Jul-2006 07:20
Enjoyed a lot!
Michael 30-Jun-2006 09:55
Excellent, love it!
Cynthia 29-Jun-2006 13:55
Looking for information and found it at this great site...
Manas Khan08-Jun-2006 17:52
Thanks for your comment on my panorama shot...
Manas Khan06-May-2006 21:45
Hi, Thank you for your appreciation on my photograph
Guest 30-Apr-2006 11:40
tak jestem polakiem Pozdrowienia Tad
tad janocinski 30-Apr-2006 11:39
Fantastic images. It was a real pleasure visiting your galleries!
Hanna 11-Apr-2006 02:18
I really enjoyed all your beautiful pictures, especially images of the Baltic Sea where I grew up
Guest 22-Mar-2006 09:47
Hi Krzysztof! At last I saw your Mustang gallery. It's great. Fantastic place, excellent photos. Now I have a dream to get there... some day. I would like to share my Vietnam and Cambodia shots with you. You wellcome.
Abdul Rahim Al Maimani08-Mar-2006 19:40
Thanks for visiting my gallery and looking at my collection. You have interesting galleries shwoing places and cities you visit. Thanks for sharing it.
Guest 14-Feb-2006 18:43
Great Galleries and Photos...
Guest 19-Jan-2006 22:21
Wow Krzysztof, you've got some amazing galleries here. A wide variety of excellent shots. Cheers from Holland, Bye Bas
John Reynolds LRPS18-Dec-2005 00:06
Thank you for looking at my images and for your kind commnets. I have enjoyed looking at some of your images this evening and will be looking again.
Guest 16-Dec-2005 00:14
Thanks very much for your nice comments on my images...
.30-Nov-2005 02:37
Enjoyed your galleries, especially the ones from the exotic locales. I'll be back again. Thank you for sharing.
Guest 27-Nov-2005 15:05
I really enjoyed the journey I just took in your galleries. You have a natural touch in you composition. I especially like you b&w work, very natural and contrasty. I also like the Rome gallery, very colorful and exciting.
Also, thanks for visiting my galleries. Very thoughtful words you left there.
Les Gadula19-Sep-2005 02:38
Thanks for visiting my gallery and for your positive comment.
Just looked briefly at your galleries- excellent work! Images from Nepal are outstanding!
I'll revisit soon.
How did you get to Turawa Lakes? I was born in Opole, and spend my childhood there.
Take care,
Krzys Ku¿bik 15-Sep-2005 14:46
Diê dobre, Krzysztof (Hi!)

I live in Foz do Iguaçu - Brazil and intend to visit Poland some day. Thanks for the really enjoing pics.

Cristiane Kusbick (original: Ku¿bik)
Richard Haas 23-Aug-2005 10:10
could you please contact me , thanks in advance
Eddie Ling07-Aug-2005 02:27
Really enjoy all the scenic photos, especially Nepal! thankx for sharing!
Gus 14-Jul-2005 07:23
Hi Krysztof!
Nice Pics, specially because thru them i can know the country of my father.
If you know any way i can contact people in order to find my roots, i will thank you.
Gus Seiler
aaron lewit 23-Jun-2005 12:53
Wspania³e! Jestem pod wielkim wra¿eniem.
aaron lewit
Guest 07-Apr-2005 19:03
Beautiful imagery of Poland and beyond, thank you for sharing.

- mike from Niagara Falls, US
wjjankowski 27-Dec-2004 09:45
czesc Krzysztof.

Fajna wyprawa - fajne zdjecia. Udanego 2005.

W. Jankowski
Jarek Lewinski 21-Dec-2004 10:43
Witaj Krzysztofie,
Odnalazłem Twoją galerię zdjęć. Robi wrażenie! Na takiej wyprawie jeszcze nie byłem. Jedyny znajomy element, to most linowy. Podobny zainstalowany był nad zamarzniętym strumieniem w Gorcach ;-)
Kristina Narusk24-Oct-2004 14:19
Enjoyed yout Nepal galleries a lot! I hope to go there one day as well :)
Selvin Chance16-Oct-2004 14:49
Great shots especially of the subcontinent and the high mountain areas.
Thanks for sharing.
adam beck 07-Oct-2004 08:49
Hello Krzysztof,

as a Czech friend of Katya (New YorK) living in Africa i would jus like to say hello and tell you I enjoyed your pictures of Tibet (i appreciate the Bhuddist way) was an interesting journey for you i think ..maybe I will visit one day..take care..Africa welcomes you.
Guest 06-Oct-2004 01:58
your images get a very pleasant expatriation!