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Profile for Michael Payton Stewart
Name Michael Payton Stewart (joined 24-Oct-2004) (pbase supporter)
Username energypolice
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Location Miami
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View Galleries : Michael Payton Stewart has 4 galleries and 4 images online.
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Message from Michael Payton Stewart
Nature and Wildlife Photography

No Post-processing vs Photoshop

The definition of a photograph have been changed in most people's minds, due to the emergence of Photoshop. In the past, about ten years ago, most people would believe a photograph was a true representation of the image captured, but today most people believe all images captured are Photoshop manipulated to make the images look much better than a true photograph, and that is true in some cases, except a few photographers who chose to present their images without Photoshop or any post-processing done by the photographer except cropping.

The time has come to separate no post-processing images from Photoshop processed images, by informing the viewer the difference between NO POST-processing and Photoshop processed images. (NPP vs PP)

Before the digital age took over photography, images of nature and wildlife were mostly captured on slide film, and were projected or printed without any change from the original slide, which was the proof of the image. The cost to capture good images was very high, due to buying the film, processing the film and then converting the images to-digital files to display them on the computer. The images that were captured which were not good were discarded or put in a drawer some place, never to be seen again.
With the emergence of Photoshop some photographers have gone back to those poor images and FIX them in photoshop and present them as good photographs, but these are not photographs now, but DIGITAL art and should be called so. The main reason for shooting RAW is to use these files as reference as slide film is used.

The reason for stating that there is no post-processing done on images is to present a clear difference to the viewer who may want to see images without, as a change from most with post-processing by the photographers.
I believe most photographers would welcome this opportunity to present their images digitally with this category designation. (NPP)

Flickr is a great site for posting your photographs!

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