Message from The Ellisons

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Thank you for looking at our pictures!
We were both seriously hit with photography fever when we first travelled to Canada in 1998. For the next 12 years we mainly focused on nature and wildlife photography.
Through bad luck we both found ourselves unemployed in 2011. However, this somehow also turned to our good fortune and allowed us to go and discover the gems nearer to home, in Europe. At the moment we are visiting as many European cities, towns and villages with a medieval history as we can. Any sighting of an owl (or two) in between is an added bonus.
For us these galleries bring back good memories every time we look at them. At the same time we also very much enjoy looking at other photo's on PBase, which often inspires us to visit a place we hadn't thought of visiting before.
Travel is the university of life. It enables you to see life from another person's perspective which we try to reflect in our pictures.
We love receiving your comments - positive or critical- so keep them coming!