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Dubi Shapiro | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Debra 25-Feb-2025 09:16
Hugo 01-Sep-2023 06:31
Truly beautiful photos! Inspiration. Thank You.
Best wishes from South Africa
Claude Gagnon19-Aug-2023 19:28
Thanks for sharing all these great birds with us! Your photos are absolutely so AMAZING !!
Guest 09-Sep-2022 13:50
שלום לך דובי היקר,
התמונות שלך הם התמונות היפות ביותר בעולם !!!!
אני נהנית להסתכל עליהם שוב ושוב!!
כל הכבוד לך!! אתה אלוף!!!
יעל. אינגבר
j.a. Perea M.D. -(Abel Asch) 28-Apr-2022 19:13
Soy seguidor suyo. Admiro su trabajo y siempre que veo su firma...pienso en grito: ¡Dubi shapiro! Tomo la foto y la guardo con todo afecto y por supuesto admiración. Le deseo lo que merece: un éxito "in crescendo". Cuídese en todo sentido, porque una labor continuada y con el amor y vocación que le dedica, llegará a ser un referente internacional durante muchos años. ssafmo.
Nicole Lessey 02-Aug-2021 20:24
Hello Dubi,

I was going thru some saved sites on my computer and came across your page. I hope you, Yani and the boys are doing fantastic. Safe travels and excellent health!!!

Nicole Lessey
Krys Kazmierzak 13-Mar-2021 20:41
Dear Dubi

OBI is moving to Cornell/eBird. The current OBI website will be closing down. You should by now have received an email from the OBC Council with this or similar title
"Important news about Oriental Bird Images: your assistance sought"

It is important that you follow the instructions in this email, otherwise your OBI images will be lost from the Web. The deadline is 22 March.

If you have not received this email, please check your spam folder. If it is not there, please let me know and I will forward you a copy.

Best wishes

Krys Kazmierczak
OBI Editor
Debbie Stahre20-Feb-2021 21:47
Your bird photos are fabulous!
Abel Asch 22-Apr-2020 22:17
Soy buscador y admirador del ARTE SHAPIRO. Su Fotografía debe ser tratado como Patrimonio de la humanidad. La belleza de la Naturaleza la guarda para que todos podamos admirarla.
pieter 16-Jan-2017 09:00
Lovely pictures. You don't see how much effort you did for them. Nice meeting you in Guyana. We are happy for you that your last week was pleasant!
Nienke and Pieter from Belgium
nicolebouglouan22-Dec-2016 12:42
Really outstanding galleries from several beautiful locations in the world.
Your bird pictures are amazing and we can feel your sensibility through your works.
I regularly enjoy your pictures. Thank for sharing!
Kind regards,
Nicole Bouglouan from France
Bob Mulvihill 02-Jul-2015 19:46
Dear Dubi,

I am an ornithologist working at the National Aviary in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where we recently have acquired a pair of Palawan Peacock Pheasants. I am just now writing a short article about the species for our local newspaper (I write a biweekly article called "Let's talk About Birds"), and I always like to include a good photograph or two with the article (for use in both the newsprint and online versions of the article). Our birds are just two years old, so the male is not yet in "high" plumage, and he has not yet shown signs of displaying, so I can't get a good photograph myself. Would you consider letting me have one or two photos (ca. 1MB file size) that I could submit with the article? I can promise you will be credited. I would need these ASAP. Many thanks for your consideration. Best, Bob
ed agter02-Nov-2013 14:53
Fantastic pictures and especialy those from New Guinea, birds of paradise. I have tried to photograph them myself but unfortualy i was not able to see them at the time. I was able to photograph some other nice birds but my main goal was not reached.

Best regards from,

Ed Agter
Vicki 23-Jan-2013 21:58
Beautiful bird photos, wow.
Looking forward to your photos from last week in Texas, especially the Mottled (Mallard?) photos. It was nice meeting you.
Vicki Crutchfield
Sebastian 09-Dec-2012 21:12
Hola Dubi, estoy buscando un picaflor que se le conoce con el nombre de "Siwarsituy" o "Siwar Situy" en la región andina y especialmente en el Cusco. No estamos seguros si se trata del Sparkling violet-ear (Coruscans Colibrí). Se conoce que lo llaman "picaflor turquesa". También necesito saber cuánto he de pagar por los derechos de autor para usar su foto en un el empaque de un CD que estamos produciendo. ¡felicitaciones por la foto Sparkling violet-ear.
Lomea Hide Photography 29-Nov-2012 10:25
Wildlife photography in Bulgaria
barry levine 22-Sep-2012 06:46
Sorry left off my name and email on the last comment
Guest 22-Sep-2012 06:46
Great shots. Question about where you saw the Helmeted Vanga? Thinking of going to Madagascar and would love to see it and. Any help? Also, thinking about trying for the Pochard. What was the road like?
through_the_lens22-May-2012 01:26
An outstanding selection, Dubi.
We'd love you to join our small group on Pbase.
You can check /through_the_lens
this in no way interferes with your regular gallery.
For more info:
Kind regards
hal bruce
Norbert Fortelny31-Jan-2012 19:24
Amazing collection of high quality bird photos.
Thanks for sharing.
günter zaillenthal 02-Nov-2011 13:40
Dear Dubi,
Super Fotos !!!

I am a Hobby-Zoologist from Austria and I work on a list of all bird species (only for myself and personal use). I want to add to all the animals in the list a picture, so I want to ask you, if I am allowed, to copy some pictures from your picture gallery by Internet bird collection and by pbase in my lists - only for private use! I will not create a homepage, I will not sell the photos and I will not publish the photos - I only want to add them to my lists.
I am looking forward to a permission to copy some photos,

Yours faithfully


Jan Baiker 30-Oct-2011 17:38
Dear Dubi Shapiro,

In the last two weeks I've sent and re-sent you an e-mail that contains a link to the PDF of the ecotourism guide for northern Apurimac region (Peru) you've kindly contributed to with some of your excellent photos. Could you please take a look at this message (I've sent it to your hotmail account) and give me a quick replying regarding my request.

Thanks a lot and best wishes,

Jan Baiker
Programa Regional ECOBONA
Helvetas - Swiss Intercooperation
Glyn Young 09-Sep-2011 17:14
Dear Mr Shapiro

I co-manage the Darwin Initiative project to save the Madagascar pochard Aythya innotata on behalf of a partnership between Durrell, Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, The Peregrine Fund, Asity Madagascar and the Government of Madagascar. I in particular have a long history with all of the Island’s ducks (my PhD is on Madagascar teal Anas bernieri and Meller’s duck A. melleri) and Durrell now has a sister organisation, Durrell Madagascar based in Antananarivo, which continues to work with all the ducks in various locations. I have seen some of your photos through your website and would be extremely grateful for your permission to use some of them in our educational material and reports. None of these are produced for financial gain and acknowledgement will always be given to the photographer. I am initially interested in a photograph of Meller’s duck for a poster for use at Lac Alaotra and will be jointly made by Durrell and Madagascar Wildlife Conservation and produced by McRae Foundation for our work in Alaotra. The photo will be acknowledged but the poster will only likely be seen at Alaotra. If you have any questions about use etc, Lance and I can give you more information on the project. If it is at all possible to use one or more pochard photos in future reports I would be very grateful and I have attached a copy of the Year 1 annual report on the Madagascar pochard project.

I have sent this message by private e-mail too but may have used an old address.

Many thanks in advance.

Best wishes,

Glyn Young

Dr. H. Glyn Young
Conservation Biologist

Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust
Direct: +44 (0)1534 860032
Tel: +44 (0)1534 860000
Fax: +44 (0)1534 860001
Skype: glynyoung

Les Augrès Manor, La Profonde Rue,
Trinity, Jersey JE3 5BP
Channel Islands
hery RAJOHARISON 08-Sep-2011 08:43
First, congratulation, your pics are very incredibles, really really, it's the first time i see quality pics about Malagasy birds.
I'm Hery RAJOHARISON and i am malagasy People and i'm birdwawatcher, and i organize birdwatching on the Boeny region. But now I build for 2012 a villagers community project. The main project is the ECOTOURISM - Birdwatching (Wetland) and dry fish and shrimps. The project is located at Mataitromby inside the Betsiboka Delta.
We need to do sensibilisation for Malagasy people for loving his nature, birdwatching
We must demonstrate them that it's beutifull. Becase we hope malagasy townsman for contribute for his nature directly by money crontribution to our organisation or inderectly comning in tour with us.
That is a way i want to ask you if it's possible for using your pics to make a malagasy sensibilisation slide show.We do not use them for direct commercial use but some percent of our profits will go to the villagers community (MATAITROMBY- ANKARAFANTSIKA- KINKONY...)
Thank you in advance
Best Regards
Andrew Tay 01-Dec-2010 18:23
Hi Dubi,
really nice to have met you (& Noam too) in Ankarafantsika.
Just looked at your pixs.
Have been craving a long time already to see Wilsons BOP,
and your gorgeous pixs just made my specific craving much worse!
andrew, singapore
Guest 26-Jul-2010 11:04
Nice galleries, keep it up!
/Sander -
Laurie Hayden-Quinn26-May-2010 08:22
I have never seen any photography on the web like yours! Wow, and I thought my hummingbird photos looked good!!! And what luck you have finding them, all over the world. I do know that you have to work hard to get these shots and lots of sitting and watching for hours and hours, and wow did all your hard work pay off!!!!!!!!!!! Good job Dubi......
Laurie Hayden-Quinn
chris 27-Feb-2010 17:37
very pretty are the nature photos
Guest 17-Feb-2010 16:35
Sir, I admire your skill as a photography. These are some of best nature photographs I have seen. A gallery of beautiful photos of stunning birds. Best wishes