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Shoman Mohamed | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Yousef Abuosba 01-Nov-2016 16:37
I enjoyed very much these fantastic photos, as we know you as an excellent radtiologist, you excell as photographer and painter, Mabrouk
Yousef Abuosba
cafe18-May-2015 09:44
beautiful images, loved the color of the pictures.
perte cheveux17-May-2015 11:59
nice pictures
Ghadeer Jarrar 29-Mar-2010 10:28
Came across this website by chance..
I'm so proud being one of your students.
Mohamed shabeeb 24-Nov-2009 21:17
It is my pleasure to meet with you tonight and happy with the results I see in your site , I want to say wawwwwwwwwwwwwwww .

Mohamed Shabeeb
heba najjar 19-Jun-2009 08:13
hi dr a5eran la2et shi elak 3a net ana dayman bshif u pic in jordan hospital bs b7ib azakrak ma tinsa tro7 south africa natirtak hneek
iyad_al_beool 09-May-2009 12:56
Anjara the best village in the world,bave the best people on the earth. Anjara is my best memories,
salwa 05-Dec-2008 15:46
salam dr. shoman,,,,,,,,,,,,
my name is salwa and am from sudan,i realy love all the shots you got there,wish you good
health,by the way am a medical doctor and i wish to be a radiologist,any advice,i will be
happy to hear from you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,thank you,,,,
Yefet Joseph 10-Mar-2008 07:03
Dear Dr. Shoman
I was exploring my extended family roots, they were born in Yemen in Taez. I know that I will never have the opportunity to visit in Yemen, thanks for your impressive artistic gallery from Yemen.
Yefet,Former jerusalem, Israel now Los Angeles CA, USA
amal khalil 25-Oct-2007 19:54
I'm very broud if you. Its so beutiful to have an uncle like you.
Zaid Kurdi31-Mar-2007 09:14
Amazing Gallery,thanks for your wonderful job,wishing for you the best.
Ahmed Shoman 06-Dec-2006 23:36
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bynet 03-Dec-2006 07:12
While site keep Good work
Samer Jabri A.03-Oct-2006 15:11
Very artistic galleries indeed. I'm a hobbyist myself..It's nice to know there are people in Jordan who share the same hobby.
Best wishes

Morad Syoof 22-Aug-2006 18:33
I found your web-site by chance, but I would like to say that it's an honorable thing to find such sites designed by someones from my country.

I'm Morad from Anjara "3anjarawi 100%" .. Teslam edak 3ala hal site, w I took some pictures from your gallery ;)
shosho 08-Aug-2006 17:24
thats a great pics..its realy wonderfull..u have a gorgeous innovation..good job and nice site..keep goind with ur beautifil art..
ahmad harhashi 06-Aug-2006 21:40
it' soooo amazing galleries pic and painting & i think this site is a big deal 4 all people like inovaition with my best wishes go ahead
online 05-Jul-2006 13:33
Good site! Thanks
Zuhair Annab 27-May-2006 18:06
Dear Dr. Shoman,
My sincere congratulations for such a great artistic job. I've enjoyed every moment of my visit and will be back soon. Keep up the great work. God bless you and yours.
Kindest regards,
Zuhair Annab
omari 10-May-2006 08:31
you are so wonderful DR.shoman .
Dr. Omar Abu-Hijleh 26-Mar-2006 20:28
Realy it's a great job. I have to congratulate ourselfs having you among us.
Nadia hourani 08-Mar-2006 09:26
amazing pictures, you give us a beautiful view of jordan which is not easy to see in nature, thank you for all the pictures and hope to see more
keep going with your fine art...
Abuther Masswadeh 14-Feb-2006 08:16
great photos which translate great taste , really captured by these wonderful pics , keep it going !!
Samah Hamadeh 01-Feb-2006 15:09
Amazing Photo .. really i like it .. iknow you have a good art .. we hope to see more as soon.. Samah & Majdi
Mohammed Samour 29-Jan-2006 07:10
Amazing pictures, reflecting a real art and a very sensitive eye and mind.
As for photos from Jordan “ which surprised me “, I felt many of them should participate in a photos show, you may open a show by the support of Jordan tourism ministry.

Wish you all the best
Guest 27-Jan-2006 19:38
Thanks for your nice comments on my images...
Rabiha 26-Jan-2006 18:31
wonderful pictures,good work... keep them comming
Majd 25-Jan-2006 21:56
Wow.. an amazing work i don't really know what to're soooo talented uncle.
Guest 23-Jan-2006 22:17
Good day Dr Shorman, i really injoyed the pleasent fotos you showed, keep the nice work, with all my best wishes to you.
Dr salah
Ayman Khalil 22-Jan-2006 14:35
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ÇÈæ ÓÇãÑ (ãÍãÏ ÝÊÍí ÝÇíÏ) 16-Jan-2006 17:50
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Guest 16-Jan-2006 07:00
I went over again with your amazing photos.
I am short of words to describe them.
I also noted your most recent shots and as always they keep me in awe and your talent is really one of a kind.
Keep them coming.
Moon (Singapore) 11-Jan-2006 16:07
Really beautiful work you have done throughout all your galleries.
You have a great eye and a lot of talent!
Thanks for sharing your fine work with us.